Hair Color and Relaxers

Today a new client came in with many short and broken spots in her hair. She was baffled as to what may have caused this excessive breakage. After a few moments of consultation, my employee came to the conclusion that it was the combination of the use of a box no-lye relaxer, and permanent hair color. Ladies, in most cases, these two do not mix, and furthermore, if you have both a relaxer and permanent hair color and still have a head full of hair, you are playing Russian roulette.  It’s only a matter of time before that will catch up with you. First, let me explain to you what a permanent hair color is:

Any color that takes your hair to a lighter shade than your natural hair color is permanent. You cannot have dark brown hair and use a blond rinse and it lighten your hair. If were just a rinse, the product would go down the drain and you would see no change. Also, check the box or bottle, if it says “permanent” guess what? it is. I guess you may also wonder why this is so damaging to your hair? Well I’ll tell you. A permanent chemical hair relaxer is what we call sodium hydroxide. (and yes, it is permanent, you can’t strip a relaxer) Sodium is what? SALT. Salt is drying. Permanent hair color is ammonia based. Ammonia is also drying. The two together is deadly to your hair. The two chemicals strip down the polypeptide chains in your hair so much, that it is not humanly possible to give it enough moisture to keep it healthy.

So if you have a relaxer and you’re thinking about a complete permanent hair color, STOP. Consider having a few highlights around your face to give a lightened illusion. This way you can minimize breakage and be able to give the small amount of hair that is lightened the special attention it needs. Until next time, here’s to healthy hair.

Hair Loss and Healthy Hair

Hair loss is an alarming condition associated with many “young” women today. This condition may occur by excessive shedding, thinning or balding. Hair also naturally sheds 80 to 100 hairs per day. The trick is to know the difference before you get to the “point of noreturn.” An increasing number of women today are losing their hair, and it has nothing to do with age. In this article we will explore the different types of hair loss, and what can be done, if any, to combat that. First, let’s explore some different types of hair loss.

Abnormal hair loss is called alopecia. The most common types are androgenic alopecia and aloecia areata and postpartum alopecia, and most recently, traction alopecia.

Androgenic Alopecia is result of genetics and age, and hormonal changes. It can begin as early as the teens and is usually seen by the age of 40. By age 35, almost 40 percent of both men and women show some sign of hair loss.

Alopecia Areata, that the sudden falling out of hair in round patches, or baldness in spots, which can occur on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. It is highly unpredictable and affects almost 5 million people in the United States alone.

Postpartum Alopecia, that temporary hair loss experienced at the conclusion of pregnancy. Sudden and excessive shedding from 3 to 9 months after delivery is experienced. Although this is usually very traumatic to the new mother, the growth cycle generally returns to normal within one year after the baby is born.

Traction Alopecia is the most common among African American women suffering from hair loss today. This is caused when the hair follicle has been traumatized due to aggressive hair styling technique. This the type of alopecia that can be treated and the type that we will focus on.

So what is it that we do to contribute to traction alopecia? The first thing we must understand is that simplicity is the key to healthy hair. When trying to help women come back from traction alopecia hair loss, I so often hear “I get bored with same hair style day in and day out.” Well, let me let you in on a little secret. The more frequently you change your hairstyle, the higher the risk of losing it. If you pay attention to celebrities that have a full, beautiful head of hair, meaning their own hair such as Oprah Winfrey, you may hear comments like “her hair is pretty, but it’s always the same, she rarely changes it.” That’s why she has hair. It’s OK to change from the norm for a special occasion, or get braids for the summer so that you can have carefree vacations. But to make these hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, freeze styles, and constant roller wraps set with setting lotion with a high concentration of alcohol, you step into dangerous territory. I sense you asking the question “What exactly is traction alopecia?” Well I’m glad you asked. Here it is, and I will try to make it as plain as possible.

Each hair strand is held onto your head by a muscle. This muscle is called the arrector pili (ah-REK-tohr PY-ly) muscle. When this muscle has too much strain put on it, it gives way, and the hair strand falls out. It’s kinda like if someone leans on your shoulder. If they lean on it for a short period of time, it doesn’t bother you, but, if someone leans on your shoulder for a long period of time, you will give way and have to rest for a spell. That’s just how the arrector pili muscle responds to aggressive hair styling techniques. Take braids for instance. The reason most women begin to thin around the edges is because there is a certain amount of tension that has to be applied for the braid to be stable. The perimeter around your head, or the hairline, is the one of the weakest areas of the head as far as hair is concerned. You pull, or “lean” on the muscle too much, it gives way. The same goes for ponytails, freeze styles, and many hairstyles women wear where they don’t have to “comb it.” Take freeze styles. There is a certain amount of alcohol, heat, and steam that goes into achieving these styles. The muscle is under so much strain, pressure, and heat from the steam that is created, that it just “gives way.” Don’t be too disappointed over this information. The good news is that in most cases of traction alopecia, the follicle is not dead, and the muscle that assist in keeping it in place is just lying dormant.

How can we get it back? We “wake it up.” There are many ways this can be achieved. Getting the blood circulating again can begin to strengthen the muscle, and stimulate the follicle so new hair can begin to grow. The Hair Care Company™ has a wonderful, all natural, Follicle Rejuvenating System that will accelerate the stimulating process. The key is once the hair grows back; don’t fall back into the same vicious cycle. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. If you want to have beautiful tresses on your head, it’s going to take a little effort on your part. Yes, this means that you will have to “comb and brush” it every day. Keep it simple. A nice wrap or flat iron style, or opt to get rid of the chemical altogether. We will discuss in the future the fact that all heads of hair are not compatible to a relaxer, and that yes you too can have a thermal texturizer. (Press and Curl) For more information on Follicle Rejuvenation visit us on the web at.... Until next time, here’s to healthy hair.

Help, My Daughters hair is out of control.

Help, My Daughters her hair is out of control!

I can not tell you how many countless times I have heard this from my clients. Little girls all over the worlds of African and American decent have experienced many hours of torture carried out by the hands of mommy, grandma, auntie, sister: to make it plain, the “Kitchen Beautician.” I myself can recall the many hot comb tattoos I received on the back of my neck, forehead and ears. Not to mention, once my mother got fed up with my whining, flinching, and screaming, a quick whack of the brush on the top of my head usually caused me to suffer the rest of the nightmare in silence. Mom is tired and daughter just wants it to come to an end. There is an easier way. Together we will learn how to make this painstakingly task a lot easier.

First things first: get control. Most women shampoo their daughter’s hair and then attempt to comb through the massive afro with no system in place. Just tugging and pulling with a wide tooth comb from the scalp to the ends: first mistake. We must control the hair and not let the hair control us. How do we do that? Here I will give you the steps to take to make the task much more easy and enjoyable for both of you.

Comb and brush the hair thoroughly before shampooing.
Not removing tangles and knots before shampooing will cause the hair around the tangled area to attach to the knot during the shampoo process and create a great mess. Doing this beforehand will make the conditioning process easier. Also, make sure that the water is not too hot. Extra hot water does not mean the hair will be cleaner. Actually, having the water too hot can cause more tangles by stripping the hair of natural oils. Just keep the water at a comfortable, warm temperature.

2. Condition the hair well and comb through from the ends to the scalp.

You want to make sure that you have a good moisturizing conditioner.( There are many wonderful products on the market today that I will add at the end of this article.)

You want to apply the conditioner starting at the ends, where it should be the heaviest, and work your way up to the scalp. Most mothers do just the opposite, putting a glob of conditioner in their hands, and then smearing it at the scalp and commence to comb it through in the same manner. Just take your time and start at the back of the head. If your child has extra thick hair, use hair clips to separate the hair, and apply it in sections. Just don’t forget to comb through the hair starting at the ends and make your way up the hair shaft with the back of the head being first.

3. Rinse thoroughly.

Pretty much self explanatory: If you have problems with rinsing, take her to a salon, you need a professional.

4.   Use a leave-in conditioner and section the hair.

This step is very important. This is where mothers begin to lose control of the hair. With my all natural little clients, I section the hair into 4 parts and plat the hair. This makes blow drying easier. If the hair is extra thick, 6 or eight sections might be necessary. DO NOT LEAVE THE HAIR OUT AND TRY TO BLOW DRY IT! To put it in the sections, always, always, always comb from the ends to the scalp. I know of a lot of women who put grease on their daughter’s hair and plat the hair up and let it dry. Never do this. African American hair holds a lot of water and by allowing the hair to air dry with grease on it, you run the danger of the scalp developing a fungus which will cause hair loss. If you have a hooded dryer, put her under the dryer for about 10 minutes to get some of the water out of the hair and dry the scalp. If not, just move on to step #5.

5. Blow Dry

Using a blow dryer comb attachment, take apart one plat, and start drying the ends first. Be sure to pull the comb attachment all the way through to the ends with every stroke. Starting at the ends will ensure the hair will be tangle free as you work your way up the hair shaft. Continue to do this section by section until the entire head is dry and tangle free.

6. Style as usual.

If you take these steps I have mentioned here, shampoo day will go a lot easier. You will find yourself having more hours to do what you both like instead of struggling with hair. Just remember to take your time and keep control of the hair. Here’s to a happy shampoo day.

Shampoo and Conditioners

1 .A decent supermarket brand is Pantene Pro V. Try to find the one that comes in the red package. I know they now have a line for relaxed hair, but I’m not familiar with it and not quite sure how it works with natural hair.

2. For a little higher quality product try Nexxus Humectress Shampoo and Conditioner. It works quite well on natural hair and detangles fabulously.

3. If you are looking for all natural products, which are what I recommend, try The Hair Care Company’s Clarifying Shampoo and Cuticle Sealer and Reconstructor deep conditioner. The Clarifying Shampoo gently cleanses the hair without leaving a film. The Cuticle Sealer and Reconstructor put a seal over the cuticle of the hair, keeping the hair straight longer, and minimize frizz.

*Please make a note that heavy conditioner does not make it better for the hair. Too heavy conditioners will leave a film over the hair, weigh it down, and minimize body. Just make sure that it is moisture based and not lanolin or wax based.

Hair And Exercise Day One and Two

I have talked to countless clients that do not exercise because of one thing: Hair. The lack of exercise and poor diet is the number one culprit of so many things ailing the black community today. Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are just a few conditions that can be controlled with exercise. I mean really, is hair a good reason to let your health go? I think it’s a poor excuse. So I decided to put my money where my mouth is. I will take on an endeavor and record how I deal with my hair during the process. But what can I do? I’ve got it, a marathon: 26 long miles of straight running. Now I’m not the most athletic person around, so it’s going to take some training. I will be 43 on December 30, and my goal is to complete a marathon by age 45. We’re talking some sweat here and I’m sure some challenging hair days. My girlfriend Andrea is embarking on this new lease on life with me. I have a relaxer, and she, a press and curl. So we have two different textures of hair and bad hair days will be no excuse. I will not only record what is happening with our hair, but my diet and how I feel. I’m sure there will be days that I feel I am a winner, and days that I will want to quit. So I hope you will take this journey with me and hopefully encourage other women of color to begin to put their health first.

Day One

I have to build up my endurance so the new Insanity workout is the initial training of choice. 60 days of training 6 days a week. The first day was an endurance test. We record how many reps of each exercise we can do in one minute intervals. Needless to say, it felt like the hardest workout I have ever done. I thought I had lost a lung. My hair was filthy the first day, and I planned to shampoo it after the workout, so I wore a bandanna. I do not suggest this, because my hair was soaking wet. Andrea pin curled her hair and managed very well. I have been pressing her hair for about 5 years now, so it is very well trained. We were a little worried about how her hair would react but it seemed ok. As for me, my hair was a mess to begin with, so I really didn’t care. I knew I was going to start this program, so I did something really stupid. I ate 3 small Kit Kats, 3 mini ice cream sandwiches, and a Hershey’s Dark Chocolate bar in addition to 3 tacos filled with ground beef, cheese, sour cream, lettuce, and salsa. Yeah I know, but I was saying goodbye to my former life, give me a break. When I got home I felt pretty ok, not hurting too much.

Day Two

I woke up this morning and made a berry smoothie for breakfast. It consisted of frozen mixed berries, non-fat yogurt, strawberry banana juice and ice. I shampooed my hair the night before, tied it up and wraped it, and let it dry while I was sleeping. I curled it while drinking my breakfast. For lunch I ate a little lamb curry with rice and cabbage and had water to drink. At the end of the day I headed for Andrea’s house to do our second day of the Insanity workout. When I pulled up, Andrea was standing outside talking to her neighbor and her hair looked great. It still had lots of body and bounced as she walked towards me smiling and yelling out “are you ready girl?” As for my hair, it looked great because I had just shampooed and styled it so it was fresh and shiny. We began the workout, and I must say Shaun T needs to be shot. The many drills of suicide runs, jumping jacks, pushups, football and basketball drills, and countless other exercises wore us out. There were many times I had to walk in place just to catch my breath. I drank 2 bottles of water during the workout, which is something I have never done. Guess I really wasn’t working out before. I am about a week away from my touch up, and I could feel my hair drawing up at my scalp. I knew it; my scalp will feel like indoor/outdoor carpet by the time this is over. Sure enough, after the work out, my curls were sitting on a little fro and dry as the Sahara desert. I didn’t put a scarf on my hair because it would lock too much heat in. So I came home, put some of The Hair Care Company Hair and Scalp Hydrator on it, brushed it through, wraped it, and tied it down tight. For dinner I ate a multigrain English muffin with cream cheese, red onions, capers, and smoked salmon. To drink, water and a half glass of red wine. I hope my hair will be smooth by morning so I can curl it. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Hair and Exercise: Day 3

When I woke up this morning, I felt pretty good. I got out of bed and put on a pot of coffee. Time to get ready for work: I had no idea what was under my scarf. Last night when I moisturized it and tied it down as tight as possible, I prayed that I would not have a disaster in the morning. I went into the bathroom to plug in my curling irons. Now I want to tell you that my curling irons are nothing special. So many women think that they have to buy these supersonic high tech electric curling irons so their hair can have that “professional look.” This could not be further from the truth. I use a set of curling irons that I have had for years by Conair. Nothing fancy, an on/off switch and the spring action: you know the kind with a spring in it to help you control the hair. In fact, one of my curling irons has the little plastic piece missing that protects your finger from the heat, but hey, it still works so I roll with it.

I poured my cup of coffee and prepared myself for the moment of truth. As I unraveled my scarf I braced myself for what I was about to see. It wasn’t so bad. Completely straight: needed a lot of curling but otherwise pretty manageable. I usually have a good curve to my hair but this time it was just packed down on my head.

I had to take my time and curl it. Taking large sections was not going to do it. It also was still a little dry, so I had to reach back into some old school products. I first put some Dax Curling Wax on my hair for hold, and Duke Greaseless Hairdressing on my tapered back to get it under control. Yes, I said Duke. Don’t rule out the dude products. A doo rag and some Duke can do wonders on short haircuts about a week away from a relaxer touch up.

So off to work I go. My body feels a little sore, but some stretching before leaving the house helped. I get to work and had a Kashi fiber bar and a bottle of water. I knew I had the lamb dish left over from yesterday in the fridge at the shop, so I could have that for lunch. Normally, I wouldn’t add in what transpired through the day, but since we are not using our hair as an excuse for our health,and putting our health first, I decided to tell you about this part of my day.

Today was the first time I had a mammogram. We say that we are going to take care of ourselves, and regular doctor visits and screenings are a part of that. I had put off my mammogram a few times because of the horror stories I had heard and how painful it can be. Monday, when I went to the doctor, I promised I would get it done this time. My doctor told me not to procrastinate, and walk across the street to the radiology center and just get it done. When I got there, I obviously did not have an appointment so they could not fit me in. The receptionist at the desk said she had a Wednesday appointment at 1:00 available, so I took it. When I got there I had to fill out some papers and off to the waiting room to sit with other women. When my name was called, I was led into a room with 4 cubicles with curtains in front of them. The woman told me to undress from the waist up and put on the gown with the open part in the front. Lockers were provided for our clothes and belongings. I brought my Ipad with me to get some reading done while I waited. As I was reading, the next thing I hear is a woman returning into the room stating that she will never have this done again. She also had some choice 4 letter words to articulate the experience. Needless to say, I started getting real nervous, and you know I don’t need to sweat in the middle of the day, I need a touch up. Boy oh boy. My foot started tapping and I was trying to stay focused on the book I was reading, but it was getting difficult. I heard phrases like, “that hurt too bad: flat as a pancake: I know a man invented that machine.” By this time I’m ready to open the locker with my belongings, get dressed, and high tail it out of there. No: I’m all about taking care of myself and I made a pact with my girls. “Ms. Johnson,” was the next name called. As I entered the room it was a little dark with a Plexiglas machine glowing in the corner. The tech was very nice and started to explain the process. She told me women my age, (like what’s that supposed to mean?), could be sensitive if you had coffee, soda, or chocolate. Is she serious? Those are an essential part of everyday life. She said the machine would lock down on my breast and stay for about 3 seconds and then release. We would take 4 pictures, two for each breast. Before she started to get me set for the pictures I asked if it would be OK if I could scream, you know,  just in case I had to. She got me set and the machine slowly clamped down on my breast and stopped. Click, click: release. That’s it? That didn’t hurt at all. The woman before me must have been a real cry baby, or just a drama queen. I mean really, I was scared for nothing. Ladies if you are putting off a mammogram screening, stop. I was a piece of cake. Let’s get healthy and take care of ourselves.

When I got back to the salon, Andrea send me a message that said “Frizzies today. A little puffy, no sheen, dull do day. I think I need a tighter pin curl. Test it tonight.” Insanity Day 2 was a little rougher. We both made it through the fitness test OK, but the real workout the first day was a little harder on our hair. After I finished my last client for the day, I got dressed and called Andrea to let her know that I was on my way. When she answered the phone, she didn’t sound too enthusiastic. My body was tired and sore, but I’m determined to see this through. Driving over to Andrea’s house, I must pass my street to my house. I so badly wanted to take that left turn and head home. But I made a commitment, and I’m determined to see it through. The first phase: 60 days, 6 days a week workout. I can do this. When I arrived at Andrea’s house the door was open, and I walked in to find her dressed, hair tightly pin curled, moving slow, but ready to go. I heard someone say that if you make it through 3 days of whatever you’re trying to do, be it exercises, quitting smoking, changing your diet, etc. You can survive. Well this is day 3 and it was the worst. Shaun T really took us through it. Globe jumps, hurtle jumps and runs, power jacks, and other insane moves. I kept looking at the clock on the TV screen to see how much time was left. Finally, the cool down and I make it through. By the time we finished, I looked like Heat Miser. My hair was all over my head. The only thing that held up was my wonderful Xtreme Lashes which was touched up earlier that day. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. So I guess I will go home, moisturize my hair, and tie it down tightly. I was so tired that I contemplated having sleep for dinner, but my stomach had other ideas. So I once again had a multigrain English muffin with smoked salmon. I’ve got to get my dinner menus together. I’ll search the markets this weekend. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Exercise: The End of Week 1

Well, I pushed through week 1. The Insanity workout is just that. Insane. I have never sweated so much. Remember, I was in need of a relaxer touch up. I was trying to hold out a couple of weeks because I’m going out of town soon. I have to teach a class while I’m away, and I wanted to look fresh. Things don’t always turn out the way we plan. Trying to fit in a workout 6 days a week, work, and try to keep my hair looking good is a tremendous task. I missed the Friday and Saturday workout sessions, so I had to try to make up for them on Sunday. By the beginning of week 2, I couldn’t hold on anymore. I was looking like Buckwheat’s sister, Shredded Wheat. Every day I tried to tame my new growth. I tried wearing it parted on the side, but the new growth kept popping up. I tried pressing the front and wearing it back, but it looked like a 70’s snatch back. My hair was beginning to grow at a faster rate, so my gray roots were showing a lot quicker also. After the Sunday workout, all I could do was put on a head scarf. I had to shampoo my hair on Monday. The Insanity workout is very effective, but murder on a relaxer. I have lost 5 pounds, and the other day someone complimented me on my shoulders. The regimen is working. So Monday, I shampooed, wraped, and styled my hair, and Monday evening after the workout my hair was back to where I started: afro. I have to figure this thing out. Remember, hair is no excuse. I have to get a touch up.

Tuesday, I walked into the salon, looked in the mirror, and decided to get a relaxer. I was so desperate, that I forgot I had shampooed my hair the day before. Marche’ took the time and based my scalp well. She kept saying, “Dang, your hair is thick.” Before she could finish applying the relaxer, my scalp was feeling hot. By the time she started to smooth it, I was on fire. Can you say FIRE? FI-YURR, I WAS ON FIYAH. Marche’ was taking her time smoothing the hair and looking at my wave pattern. I wanted to say, “Do you want to get punched in the throat?” But I opted for “move Marche’, move.” When she rinsed it out, it was torturous. The needles, the needles. I thought my scalp was melting off. (Note to myself: never get a relaxer the day after shampooing no matter how desperate you are.) She asked if I wanted color. WHAT? If I get color, I will run through the front door without opening it. No thank you. My roots will just have to show for a week. So I made it through, but there has to be a better way. We are following the diet and doing what we are supposed to do. Andrea’s press is holding up OK, but she has her issues too. I’ll tell you about her drama in the next post. Until then, I’m hanging on, and determined to run that marathon and have good looking hair too.

Fragrance Review: Bond No. 9's High Line

Happy Spring!

... okay, so maybe it isn't officially spring yet, but it IS March. Which for me, equates that winter is certainly on its way out- and a whole new batch of little dresses and bikinis are headed in. ;)

To celebrate "my" spring coming, I set forth towards the Bond No. 9 counter. While my signature is The Scent of Peace (and always will be), I was looking for something springlike and new- something to start fresh with. Spring has always been my favorite season, and I love how it brings a sense of growth, change, and beauty. (Any of this sound familiar? hah.) Call me crazy, but I want to wear a fragrance that reflects that. I went through my massive pile of Bond bonbon samples at home, but none of them really spoke to me. I have a lot of Bond favorites, but I was really looking for something specific. With the help of my Bond SA and my best friend, I found what I was looking for with High Line.

Bond describes High Line as "an androgynous floral-marine bouquet, contrasting the hardy flowers and greens. The scent starts off with a prairie grazing weed—purple love grass-mixed with citrusy bergamot and zesty Indian rhubarb. The perfume’s floral heart is red-leaf rose, Lady Jane tulips, and grape hyacinth. Its lingering base notes combine bur oak with imported sea moss, along with musk and teakwood."

High Line's namesake is the High Line of  New York, a public park built on an historic freight rail line elevated above the streets of Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. If you haven't been to the High Line or the Meatpacking District, it's definitely a must-see while you're in New York. Of course, the shopping is killer in the revitalized area- be sure to check out DVF, Scoop NYC, Stella McCartney, and Louboutin while you're there. What makes the area so special, though, is the High Line- a little oasis in an otherwise very industrial spot. Bond's take on this very special part of the city just nails it.

Bond's High Line opens with a very fresh green burst, which then progresses into a very pretty, fresh floral that has a strong emphasis of tulips and hyacinths. It then dries down to a clean, warm floral that is different from any other I've experienced. Soft, comforting, and yet decidedly evocative of spring. The sillage is phenomenal, lingering on me all day.

Highly, highly recommend this one! Bond No. 9 does it again!

Voluspa Candles: Suede Blanc

As you've probably gathered from this blog, I'm a true girly girl, and enjoy little things that bring an extra "sparkle" to my life. As I have mentioned before, Voluspa candles are one of those little pleasures for me. I burn one of their candles nearly every evening, and I love how it creates a warm, cozy ambiance to my home, no matter how crazy my day has been.

I recently had a small issue with one of my favorite Suede Blanc candles from their Maison Blanc collection, and sent off a quick email to their headquarters about it. Within a day, I had received a concerned response from Voluspa's co-founder, Troy Arntsen. A week later, I received a replacement package of Suede Blanc products as a gesture of goodwill for the mishap.

I've shopped and vacationed at many places that are renowned for their customer service. Saks sends gracious thank you cards. Louis Vuitton offers complimentary gold stamping. Bond No. 9 sends samples. The Ritz-Carlton has welcomed us with chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. I'm pretty loyal when it comes to brands if I love a certain product, so these little things matter to me. Just as any business course will tell you, companies can retain customers for years if they go that extra mile to make them happy.

Voluspa is a total example of this... they went above and beyond to ensure my satisfaction. In a time where convenience and cost-cutting is often a priority for many companies, it's refreshing when you encounter companies that are focused on the core of their business: the customer.

Suede Blanc remains my favorite home fragrance, and surprisingly, it's something I'd liken to a "boyfriend" type scent. It's rich with notes of cedar and sueded leather, and it's such a comforting fragrance. I adore the packaging: the white and gold is gorgeous, and totally compliments my neutral French chic decor. Like the Macaron candle I reviewed a few months ago, the milky white glass jar just glows beautifully and the scent is evenly distributed in the room.

                                        Love, love, love!

Product Review: Giorgio Armani Face Fabric

I'd been meaning to try Armani's Face Fabric since it was released back in 2008, but I always ended up purchasing other foundation instead. Having heard great reviews about it, I was excited to finally try it out for myself. Face Fabric is definitely different from any other foundation I've used in the past, so I have slightly mixed feelings on this one.

The good?
The packaging is SO convenient! The sleek plastic tube can be thrown carelessly into your cosmetic bag without the fear of breaking a gloss bottle. (NARS, I'm talking to you!)
While the sun protection isn't spectacular, I still love that Face Fabric has SPF 12 in it. I'll take all of the anti-aging measures I can get, whether it be from my foundation or moisturizer.
You only need a tiny dime-sized bit of product per application- which can be applied with either your fingers or a brush.
Smooth, silky texture (due to its silicone base) that is SO lightweight, you feel like you're wearing nothing.
The bad?
While the coverage is fairly buildable, it is very, very light if you only apply one layer. This is great for a natural look, but don't expect it to work miracles.
Expect to use concealer with Face Fabric if your skin isn't absolutely perfect.
There is a bit of skill necessary when you apply this product- due to the consistency, it sets within seconds. As long as you can work the product in quickly, you should be fine.

My verdict?
 I really like Face Fabric, and expect that I'll like it even more in the summer when I simplify my beauty routine. In the summer, I go for much lighter makeup and become considerably less high-maintenance as I become tan and glowy, so Face Fabric will likely be rotated with my Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer. That being said, I'm going to use it as a silicone primer/base for now, also using NARS' Sheer Glow sparingly where I need a bit more coverage.


“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
 -Audrey Hepburn

Golden Globes Picks

I was a bit disappointed with the fashion at this year's Golden Globes. It was actually really difficult finding looks I liked, much less loved. Suffice to say, my picks this year are actually quite similar: classic silhouettes, minimal embellishment and jewelry, and basic hues. I'm all about understated sophistication, and these celebrities nailed it.
Mila Kunis in Dior
Reese Witherspoon in Zac Posen
Shailene Woodley in Marchesa

Heidi Klum in Calvin Klein

Working on My Fitness

Perhaps this might make me less of an athlete (but then again, who am I kidding? I'm NOT one), but nothing motivates me more than new workout gear. And if it's neon? Well, I'm more than set. ;) While I have plenty of running/training shoes, sports bras, yoga pants, etc., I still find myself purchasing more. I just purchased my newest training pair, the neon yellow/graphite Free TR Luxe by Nike, and I couldn't be happier. I can slip them on without socks, they weigh next to nothing, and I can use them for both running and cardio. They're cute, fit perfectly, and get me to the gym.

I used to get crap every time I'd leave for the gym in makeup and matching workout gear... "Have fun, Workout Barbie! Remember, you don't sweat, you glisten!" But good-natured kidding aside, feeling and looking good when I head to the gym has always equated to more productive workouts for me. These days, I'm rotating my runs with 60 minutes of cardio each day, plus daily ab work. It feels AMAZING to be getting back into the swing of my workouts again. I've also added in meditation and stretching at home, with the occasional weekend yoga class. My stress is significantly lower and my body just feels better.

I didn't make a fitness resolution this year, knowing more likely than not, I'd fail if I made a specific goal. (Isn't that how it usually goes?) My goal for 2012 is to be kinder to myself, both in a physical and emotional sense. I've been working so much towards this in the past month or so, and the results are starting to show. I'm trying to eat small, well-balanced meals throughout the day (something I skipped entirely when I was wrapped up in a big work-related project this fall, screwing up my metabolism) and I'm drinking much more water. I actually drink 32 ounces of water every night before bed (just to ensure I've gotten enough water throughout the day), and I'm sleeping at least eight hours every night. I no longer drink my nonfat chai lattes from Biggby or Starbucks, instead ordering green tea.

GT's Organic Raw Kombucha (Multi-Green): I drink half a bottle of this green elixir every day, which is high in both probiotics and antioxidants. Sure, it sounds weird with it's Klamath blue green algae and spirulina, but it's surprisingly drinkable (albeit a little vinegary). I buy this at Whole Foods once a week, although it must be a hot-seller, because I can never find more than two bottles at once. Bananas: Also a staple in my diet now, which is pretty typical for a post-workout refuel. Since becoming a vegetarian (four years ago next month!), my body actually craves potassium & this is an easy way to get it. 

Drugstore Find: L'Oreal Ever Creme

Based on past reviews, I'll admit that I rarely review beauty products that are found at the drugstore. (Not too long ago, I was asked by someone close to me: "Be honest: Have you ever bought anything at Kmart? Even just shampoo?") While I'm often drawn to higher-end products and fancy packaging, I'm more than willing to try out a great product (regardless of price point).
I've mentioned my obsession with Oribe products before, and while the conditioner was amazing... it wasn't$46 great. Victoria's Secret has the fantastic So Sexy line- but at 3/$25, I went through the skinny bottles of shampoo and conditioner every two weeks. Not exactly financially savvy. I knew I could do better, although I'd been unsuccessful in finding a shampoo/conditioner that I loved and could stock up on. (Having a ton of hair, I go through shampoo and conditioner like water.) Enter L'Oreal's new EverCreme line ($6 at drugstores/discount retailers). Helloooo, fabulous hair! Helloooooo, newly-saved $$$!

I've been using the Intense Nourishing shampoo and conditioner ever since, and I'm SO happy with the results. My hair is ridiculously thick and long, so I'm always looking for intensive moisturizing products that give shine and body. (What woman doesn't picture themselves with swingy supermodel hair?) The sulfate-free EverCreme consistencies are really creamy and lather up well, helping detangle my tresses while in the shower. My hair is softer and shinier than ever before, likely because of the omega-3 and omega-6. Plus, they smell absolutely phenomenal (I pick up a vanilla/shea note?), but aren't cloying or overwhelming. I love it when products don't interfere with my signature scent (Bond's The Scent of Peace), but my hair now actually compliments the scent of my fragrance.

All in all, L'Oreal's EverCreme is amazing. Absolutely my new HG shampoo/conditioner!

My Experience with Latisse

I've always been complimented on my long, dark eyelashes, so it might seem weird that I was excited when I found out that Latisse had become FDA approved. But the way I see it, eyelashes are sort of like shoes- you can never really have too many. ;) 

Back in late August, I decided to take the $125 plunge and buy Latisse from my local medical spa. Apparently, my spa had never had a patient so young buy it (I'm 22). While it definitely seemed a little pricey,  I was really excited to try it out. I also ended up getting a free $45 Vivite Defining Lip Plumper by mail, so I figured the price was somewhat justifiable. You get a small box with a pack of 60 wrapped applicators and the TINY bottle of Latisse (3 mL)... and I definitely felt a bit ripped off when I saw the size of the bottle. After washing my face at night, I squeeze a small drop of the Latisse on the applicator brush, brush the liquid on both lash lines, and I'm done within a minute. Super simple! My doctor told me to start off using it every other day to avoid eye irritation, and I've actually stuck to that routine for the past two months. As a result, a month's supply has actually lasted me much longer, and I still have a bit of it left.
My Results:
I first started noticing lash growth after about 2 weeks, although I really noticed dramatic growth after a month. The ads are nothing short of the results I experienced- my already dark, long, thick lashes are significantly longer, so much so that my corner lashes are actually curling up on their own. Paired with my favorite mascara (Cover Girl Lash Blast Fusion) and my favorite Shu Uemura eyelash curler, my lashes almost look fake. That being said, I am unsure that I'm going to continue using Latisse. While I love the results, it's not necessarily something that is super noticeable to other people. Already having long lashes, I don't think I can justify spending $125 every few months on something that I don't really need. For someone that has short or sparse lashes, I could definitely see this product as a great investment.

Sorry about the quality, it's the only before photo I have!


Both before and after photos are without mascara or the use of an eyelash curler.