Working on My Fitness

Perhaps this might make me less of an athlete (but then again, who am I kidding? I'm NOT one), but nothing motivates me more than new workout gear. And if it's neon? Well, I'm more than set. ;) While I have plenty of running/training shoes, sports bras, yoga pants, etc., I still find myself purchasing more. I just purchased my newest training pair, the neon yellow/graphite Free TR Luxe by Nike, and I couldn't be happier. I can slip them on without socks, they weigh next to nothing, and I can use them for both running and cardio. They're cute, fit perfectly, and get me to the gym.

I used to get crap every time I'd leave for the gym in makeup and matching workout gear... "Have fun, Workout Barbie! Remember, you don't sweat, you glisten!" But good-natured kidding aside, feeling and looking good when I head to the gym has always equated to more productive workouts for me. These days, I'm rotating my runs with 60 minutes of cardio each day, plus daily ab work. It feels AMAZING to be getting back into the swing of my workouts again. I've also added in meditation and stretching at home, with the occasional weekend yoga class. My stress is significantly lower and my body just feels better.

I didn't make a fitness resolution this year, knowing more likely than not, I'd fail if I made a specific goal. (Isn't that how it usually goes?) My goal for 2012 is to be kinder to myself, both in a physical and emotional sense. I've been working so much towards this in the past month or so, and the results are starting to show. I'm trying to eat small, well-balanced meals throughout the day (something I skipped entirely when I was wrapped up in a big work-related project this fall, screwing up my metabolism) and I'm drinking much more water. I actually drink 32 ounces of water every night before bed (just to ensure I've gotten enough water throughout the day), and I'm sleeping at least eight hours every night. I no longer drink my nonfat chai lattes from Biggby or Starbucks, instead ordering green tea.

GT's Organic Raw Kombucha (Multi-Green): I drink half a bottle of this green elixir every day, which is high in both probiotics and antioxidants. Sure, it sounds weird with it's Klamath blue green algae and spirulina, but it's surprisingly drinkable (albeit a little vinegary). I buy this at Whole Foods once a week, although it must be a hot-seller, because I can never find more than two bottles at once. Bananas: Also a staple in my diet now, which is pretty typical for a post-workout refuel. Since becoming a vegetarian (four years ago next month!), my body actually craves potassium & this is an easy way to get it. 

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