Exercise: The End of Week 1

Well, I pushed through week 1. The Insanity workout is just that. Insane. I have never sweated so much. Remember, I was in need of a relaxer touch up. I was trying to hold out a couple of weeks because I’m going out of town soon. I have to teach a class while I’m away, and I wanted to look fresh. Things don’t always turn out the way we plan. Trying to fit in a workout 6 days a week, work, and try to keep my hair looking good is a tremendous task. I missed the Friday and Saturday workout sessions, so I had to try to make up for them on Sunday. By the beginning of week 2, I couldn’t hold on anymore. I was looking like Buckwheat’s sister, Shredded Wheat. Every day I tried to tame my new growth. I tried wearing it parted on the side, but the new growth kept popping up. I tried pressing the front and wearing it back, but it looked like a 70’s snatch back. My hair was beginning to grow at a faster rate, so my gray roots were showing a lot quicker also. After the Sunday workout, all I could do was put on a head scarf. I had to shampoo my hair on Monday. The Insanity workout is very effective, but murder on a relaxer. I have lost 5 pounds, and the other day someone complimented me on my shoulders. The regimen is working. So Monday, I shampooed, wraped, and styled my hair, and Monday evening after the workout my hair was back to where I started: afro. I have to figure this thing out. Remember, hair is no excuse. I have to get a touch up.

Tuesday, I walked into the salon, looked in the mirror, and decided to get a relaxer. I was so desperate, that I forgot I had shampooed my hair the day before. Marche’ took the time and based my scalp well. She kept saying, “Dang, your hair is thick.” Before she could finish applying the relaxer, my scalp was feeling hot. By the time she started to smooth it, I was on fire. Can you say FIRE? FI-YURR, I WAS ON FIYAH. Marche’ was taking her time smoothing the hair and looking at my wave pattern. I wanted to say, “Do you want to get punched in the throat?” But I opted for “move Marche’, move.” When she rinsed it out, it was torturous. The needles, the needles. I thought my scalp was melting off. (Note to myself: never get a relaxer the day after shampooing no matter how desperate you are.) She asked if I wanted color. WHAT? If I get color, I will run through the front door without opening it. No thank you. My roots will just have to show for a week. So I made it through, but there has to be a better way. We are following the diet and doing what we are supposed to do. Andrea’s press is holding up OK, but she has her issues too. I’ll tell you about her drama in the next post. Until then, I’m hanging on, and determined to run that marathon and have good looking hair too.

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